Life is 2-D Episode 4: Dark Room is now available to play online (actual .gb ROM for emulators or actual hardware also linked), for free.

As with Episode 2 and 3, it can even be played without having played the prior episodes if for some reason you feel like doing so.

Please note that while this build SHOULD be fully functional, it is simply impossible for me to test out every combination of options at this point. All of the story paths etc are in and SHOULD be working. There are differing sections of gameplay at points depending on choices you made, and hundreds of variables across hundreds of screens and thousands of words are... a lot for one person to check. It should also be noted that this is an extremely long episode (approximately the same 3 hours plus that the actual one lasts) so... best charge those batteries, or save state it on an emulator! ;)

If you find any major issues (conversations that just stop and progress becomes impossible, for example), please do let me know and I will update to fix them as best as I can, as soon as I can.

As always, I don't ask or intend ever to ask for money for any of these. If you feel compelled, a retweet/tweet about it, spreading the word, or making a donation to a charitable cause would be a better use of the money you would have given for this and I genuinely would prefer that.

Thank you for your time! :)

EDIT: .gb ROM for emulators or actual hardware.

There is a COLOUR variant ROM for this release due to the starting screen. Simply running that one on a GBC or emulator will display the message and flag in the correct colours. As a bonus, Chloe's hair was used for the specific blue of it. The rest of it... will probably be a garish mess, but I felt it deserved the option.

And to be clear to anyone who is unhappy about the INCLUSION, let me just make it plain now - IT IS A STATEMENT OF FACT, OF LOVE, AND SUPPORT. THIS IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE. IF YOU DISAGREE WITH IT... GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE.

I don't want or accept bigots in my "audience." It's that simple.

Everyone else... this one is dedicated to all of you.

EDIT: Minor update made to fix missing line of dialogue, no other changes. Browser version updated and ROM links updated.

EDIT 2: Another little update to add a very circumstantial missing scene during the Board of Misery. Browser and ROM links updated 4th December 2023.

Development log

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