Why I have never released the "boxart" for Episode 1

So, yes, I have "boxart" for Episode 1. Well... actually a cart label. It was made very early on, partly to motivate myself, and I've only ever shown it in extremely deliberately low quality shots on things like the Super Gameboy.

Part of the reason? Not giving the people cashing in on homebrew, as seen recently on etsy and covered by GB Studio Central, by giving them access to that cart label, which, again, was only intended for personal use anyway and a temp thing.

The bigger reason being that as I've said in the past, it was basically a Photoshop tweaked and played with version of Edouard Caplain's concept art for the original Life is Strange, with a Chloe x Gameboy graffiti twist . I ADORE his work, and that one image with Max looking towards the Lighthouse, with the spiraling path, felt SO like the kind of image that was a) a staple of Gameboy boxart (protagonist -> goal to reach) and b) that was the section I was trying to do at the time. It just fit - like a "mood room" of sorts. I was learning how to make a label, and a game, and again, it was never intended to be final or for anyone but my own use, because I had no idea IF I would even release anything publicly. That image inspired me. Deeply. It was essentially my respect for that image and Edouard's work.

And that is why it will never be released. It's the same reason that if anyone at Don't Nod had objected, to any part of this whole project, I'd have ended it in a heartbeat, with zero ill will.

So I (and Daye) have the only labeled "real" carts for Episode 1. Only a few more exist, that were printed way back at the same time, and where those will go I can't say. But it won't ever be public, because I respect him and all of Don't Nod enough that this is the only use it'll ever have.

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