​Episode 5? Episode 5.

Well, I guess I can say that yes it is going to happen. I think I said something about it on twitter (not "formerly known as twitter")  a month or so ago, but there's one annoying little "not strictly canon" change that I did already have to make.

*Deep breath...*

Max's shirt in the initial Dark Room scenes? Probably cannot be black.

No, no, calm down! I see that pitchfork! Put it back!

The reason is fairly simple and a very rare case of a technical limitation of the Gameboy kicking in. Max's hair ingame uses the black colour. She also has a black outline, to prevent any of her disappearing into the background colours - See also, Chloe's hair on "grassy" land. When seen in the Dark Room, there is no way to get enough definition if a black shirt is used - even if you give her a white neck line, the shirt arms and body just blend as one big blob. And from the side, the black outline of her face makes this even worse. Add in a black chair... that's a lot of black and not a lot of options. So the light green - the only other colour there is at all - will serve for her shirt, because it gives better definition, and I'd rather avoid an indistinct black blob with a couple of bits of white for such an important scene.

Hey - if the original can have that late game black jacket appear out of nowhere, I think a few light green pixels instead of black is something we can live with, right?


It's going pretty well so far.

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